October 29, 2023 Partial Lunar Eclipse

November 8, 2022 Total Lunar Eclipse

November 19, 2021 Partial Lunar Eclipse

May 26, 2021 Total Lunar Eclipse

November 30, 2020 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

June 6, 2020 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

January 11, 2020 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

July 28, 2018 Total Lunar Eclipse (Partial Phase Only Visible)

January 31, 2018 Total Lunar Eclipse

August 7-8, 2017 Partial Lunar Eclipse

September 17, 2016 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

March 23, 2016 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

April 4, 2015 Total Lunar Eclipse

October 8, 2014 Total Lunar Eclipse

November 28-29, 2012 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

June 4, 2012 Partial Lunar Eclipse

December 10-11, 2011 Total Lunar Eclipse

June 16, 2011 Total Lunar Eclipse

December 21, 2010 Partial Lunar Eclipse (Total Lunar Eclipse in US)

June 26, 2010 Partial Lunar Eclipse

January 1, 2010 Partial Lunar Eclipse

February 9, 2009 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

August 17, 2008 Partial Lunar Eclipse

March 4, 2007 Partial Lunar Eclipse

September 8, 2006 Partial Lunar Eclipse

May 5, 2004 Total Lunar Eclipse

July 16, 2000 Total Lunar Eclipse




April 20, 2023 Partial Solar Eclipse

June 21, 2020 Partial Solar Eclipse

December 26, 2019 Annular Solar Eclipse

March 9, 2016 Total Solar Eclipse

May 21, 2012 Annular Solar Eclipse

January 15, 2010 Partial Solar Eclipse

July 22, 2009 Total Solar Eclipse

January 26, 2009 Partial Solar Eclipse

June 11, 2002 Partial Solar Eclipse


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All the pages, text and images found in this site are (c) Copyright 2003-2023 by  James Kevin Ty.  Any use of these materials in any form without the prior written consent or knowledge of the author is a violation of Philippine and worldwide copyright laws and may cause the author to send lawyers after you. Since the author is a very reasonable and approachable person, ask his permission and might probably work out a reasonable arrangement.