May 26, 2021 TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE IMAGES All images below were taken by James Kevin Ty in Guiginto, Bulacan , Philippines using Canon EOS M6 Mirrorless Camera on Borg 76ED refractor mounted on Kenko Sky Memo-R Star Tracker. Composite Image of May 26, 2021 Total Lunar Eclipse May 26, 2021 Total Lunar Eclipse at Maximum Phase SIGN MY GUESTBBOOK VIEW MY GUESTBOOK HOME ABOUT ME MY BLOG PAGE ARTICLES LINKS EMAIL A Proud Member Of The
since May 15, 2008 |
All the pages, text and images found in this site are (c) Copyright 2003-2021 by James Kevin Ty. Any use of these materials in any form without the prior written consent or knowledge of the author is a violation of Philippine and worldwide copyright laws and may cause the author to send lawyers after you. Since the author is a very reasonable and approachable person, ask his permission and might probably work out a reasonable arrangement.