March 9, 2016 Total Solar Eclipse at Palangkaraya, Kalimantan, Indonesia



P  A  R  T  N  E  R  S

Astronomical League of the Philippines (ALP) President / 2016 ALP Palangkaraya Total Solar Eclipse (TSE) Expedition Team Leader James Kevin Ty leads an 8 man expedition team to Palangkaraya, Kalimantan, Indonesia  last March 6-11, 2016 to observe and image the Total Solar Eclipse that will be visible in Palangkaraya as well as major cities of Indonesia.  Below are his images taken using Canon DSLR Systems.  Fisheye Shots were taken using a APS-H Canon 1D Mark 4  DSLR with Sigma 8mm f/3.5 lens on loan from Canon Marketing Philippines and Jett Aguilar.  Eclipse sequence below were taken using a Canon full frame 5Ds  DSLR with Canon EF 300mm f/2.8 lens with Canon EF II 2x teleconverter lens giving an effective focal length of 600mm mounted on Kenko Sky Memo-R star tracker .  A Baader Photo Density 3.8 solar filter was used with the lens system most of the time except when thick clouds provided a natural filter.  A Canon XF205 Video Camera was also loaned by Canon Marketing Philippines to the team to capture full sequence of the eclipse in real time.

Weather that early morning rained very hard but stopped just about 6:00am Indonesia Standard Time (IDS) and afterwards the cloud was on and off thus making it impossible to get  the complete full sequence :(  A few minutes before totality , thick clouds started to cover the Sun totally.  But just when all things looks bad, a small break in the clouds on the Sun lets him image the totality phase at half disk which includes inner corona, chromosphere, Bailey's Beads,  and small prominence before the beautiful 3rd Diamond Ring effect appeared signaling the end of the totality :(  Nevertheless, things could have been worst but I still thank God to still give the ALP team some memorable views of the half disk of totality. All images below were taken by  James unless noted.

06:24:12 IST

06:27:09 IST

06:53:12 IST

06:56:47 IST

07:01:22 IST

07:07:07 IST

07:22:41 IST

07:30:31 IST

07:30:31 IST

07:30:17 IST

07:31:25 IST

07:31:26 IST

07:31:27 IST

07:31:28 IST

07:31:36 IST

07:52:40 IST

08:24:12 IST

08:30:56 IST

Temperature and Humidity Reading

Diminishing Light Effect

My Solar Eclipse  Imaging Setup

Hey!  I got featured front page at Tabengan Newspaper !

Tabengan Newspaper March 10, 2016

My Closeup pic on the newspaper :)



ALP TSE 2016 Palangkaraya Expedition Team

Jump Shot

ALP TSE 2016 Palangkaraya Expedition Team with Hotel Luwansa Palangkaraya Management

Jump Shot 2 !

The group then had their traditional group shot taken together with Luwansa Hotel management specially their ever supportive management led by general manager Harry Saptadi for providing all the team's requests during their stay there at their beautiful hotel. I highly recommend their hotel when you drop by in the beautiful city of Palangkaraya! The team would also like to thank their supporters specially Canon Marketing Philippines (CMP) as well as Cutting Edge and Ideal Vision Center for their great support.  Thanks also to ALPer Arnel Campos for helping make the ALP TSE2016 banner.


James Kevin Ty was able to observe his first total solar eclipse in March 18, 1988 in Cotabato City, Philippines.  He has led solar eclipse expedition teams to the October 24, 1995 Total Solar Eclipse in Khon Buri, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand; the March 9, 1997 Total Solar Eclipse in Darhan, Mongolia; the August 22, 1998 Annular Solar Eclipse in Pulau Dayang, Malaysia; and, the August 11, 1999 Total Solar Eclipse in Stuttgart, Germany ; July 22, 2009 Total Solar Eclipse in Wuhan, China ; May 21, 2012 Annular Solar Eclipse in Xiamen , China. ; March 9, 2016 Total Solar Eclipse in Palangkaraya, Kalimantan, Indonesia.  He is looking forward to going for another crack of totality in USA on August 21, 2017.



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All the pages, text and images found in this site are (c) Copyright 2003-2016 by  James Kevin Ty.  Any use of these materials in any form without the prior written consent or knowledge of the author is a violation of Philippine and worldwide copyright laws and may cause the author to send lawyers after you. Since the author is a very reasonable and approachable person, ask his permission and might probably work out a reasonable arrangement.