Whole disk images were taken with Canon 500D DSLR camera on TV-101 refractor with 2x Big Barlow lens and Baader 3.8 solar filter while Close Up images were taken with same camera  and telescope setup but with INTES Herschel Wedge. Starting 2010, ATK-1HS II webcam with double stacked 2x barlow lens on INTES Herschel Wedge was used for closeup imaging of the sunspots. Lately in November 2013, ZWO ASI120MM webcam officially replaced my trusty ATIK-1HS2 webcam.

2024 White Light Solar Images

2023 White Light Solar Images

2022 White Light Solar Images

2021 White Light Solar Images

2019 White Light Solar Images

2018 White Light Solar Images

2017 White Light Solar Images

2016 White Light Solar Images

2015 White Light Solar Images

2014 White Light Solar Images

2013 White Light Solar Images

2012 White Light Solar Images

2011 White Light Solar Images

2010 and Earlier White Light Solar Images

Please visit also my  Astro Blog Page for astro reports.

December 30, 2020 AR2794 Sunspot Group

December 30, 2020 AR2795 Sunspot Group

December 30, 2020 AR2795 / 2794 Sunspot Groups

December 30, 2020 Full Disk

December 30, 2020 Full Disk

June 7, 2020 Full Disk

June 7, 2020 Full Disk

June 7, 2020 Full Disk

June 7, 2020 Full Disk

January 30, 2020 AR2757 Sunspot Group

January 30, 2020 AR2757 Sunspot Group

January 30, 2020 Full Disk

January 30, 2020 Full Disk

January 29, 2020 AR2757 Sunspot Group

January 29, 2020 AR2757 Sunspot Group

January 5, 2020 AR2755 Sunspot Group

January 5, 2020 AR2755 Sunspot Group





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since May 15, 2008


All the pages, text and images found in this site are (c) Copyright 2003-2023  by  James Kevin Ty.  Any use of these materials in any form without the prior written consent or knowledge of the author is a violation of Philippine and worldwide copyright laws and may cause the author to send lawyers after you. Since the author is a very reasonable and approachable person, ask his permission and might probably work out a reasonable arrangement.