All white light images below were taken by James Kevin Ty in Binondo, Manila , Philippines using Canon 500D DSLR on TV-101 refractor with Televue 2x Big Barlow. EFL= 1780mm f/18 . Baader 3.8 Solar Filter.  Ha images were taken with Coronado PST-Ha with ATK-1HS II webcam on 2x barlow lens.


Composite Color Image of Venus Transit


Ingress I ( Ingress Exterior) Progression

Ingress II ( Ingress Interior)

Ingress II ( Ingress Interior)

Black Drop Effect After Ingress II

Black Drop Effect After Ingress II

Venus at Greatest Transit Time

Venus Transit in Ha wavelength

Venus Transit in Ha wavelength

Egress III (Egress Interior) Progression

Egress III (Egress Interior)

Black Drop Effect Around Egress III (Egress Interior)

Black Drop Effect Around Egress III (Egress Interior)

Venus Transit Midway Between Egress III (Egress Interior) & Egress IV (Egress Exterior)

Egress IV (Egress Exterior) Progression

Egress IV (Egress Exterior)

Composite Venus Transit Image

ALP Venus Transit Binondo Setup Location

Venus Transit App Estimated Time of Circumstances

My Venus Transit Imaging Setup - Canon EOS 500D DSLR on TV-101 refractor with Televue 2x Big Barlow and ATK-1HS II webcam on Coronado PST-Ha with 2x barlow mounted on Vixen GP-DX equatorial mount.

It's cool to wear Solar Shades !!!

I need to lay on the floor midway around Egress Times for me to image the Venus Transit !!!  Oh my aching back :) LOL

ALPer Edgar Ang beside his Orion XT6 Newtonian Reflector on Celestron CG-5GT mount.

ALPers Andrew Ian Chan and Iah Serna beside Andrew's Skywatcher 80ED refractor on Vixen GP mount.

ALPer Albert Lao beside his Sony A700 DSLR on Sony AF500mm f.8 Mirror Lens on sturdy tripod.

ALPer Berenice Viola Chan beside her Canon EOS 500D DSLR with Canon EF 18-200mm lens on sturdy tripod.

ALPer Edgar Ang is awed by the stunning sharp view of his Orion XT6 Newtonian reflector  with Televue 22mm Panoptic ! Awesome!

Newbie ALP member Marvy Gulapa beside James imaging setup.

ALPer Andrew Ian Chan had a great time using Iphone 4 t do afocal imaging with ALPer Edgar Ang's Orion XT6 Newtonian reflector.

ALPers gather around ALPer Edgar Ang's scope as they waited for their turn at the eyepuece to view and image afocally through his scope :)

Venus Transit Image taken through ALPer Edgar Ang's XT6 Newtonian reflector with Iphone 4! Stunningly sharp!


My Estimated Actual Times of Circumstances based on actual images that I took and times are calibrated via Iphone GPS calibrated Atomic Clock software while estimated times of circumstances data are taken from Transit of Venus Iphone Application on actual location in Binondo , Manila , Philippines (14 deg 36' 13" N , 120 deg 58' 20" E).  All times in Philippine Standard Time (PST)  (Deduct 8 hours to convert to UT)

  Transit of Venus Estimated Time on Site Actual Time Recorded
Ingress I (Ingress Exterior) 06:12:51 PST 06:12:47 PST
Ingress II (Ingress Interior) 06:30:37 PST 06:30:22 PST
Egress III (Egress Interior) 12:30:24 PST 12:30:12 PST
Egress IV (Egress Exterior) 12:47:49 PST 12:47:34 PST


My full personal Venus Transit  report on this event can be viewed here.

ALP Venus Transit Binondo Team


We thank you Lord for blessing us with good skies to cover the entire event successfully !!!




A Proud Member Of The


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since May 15, 2008


All the pages, text and images found in this site are (c) Copyright 2003-2012by  James Kevin Ty.  Any use of these materials in any form without the prior written consent or knowledge of the author is a violation of Philippine and worldwide copyright laws and may cause the author to send lawyers after you. Since the author is a very reasonable and approachable person, ask his permission and might probably work out a reasonable arrangement.